Hello! I'm Jason,
a Full-Stack Salesforce

What is a full-stack Salesforce consultant?

Keep reading...

More than only a consultant, an administrator, or a developer I provide a wide range of skills and bring over 15 years of Salesforce experience to help you maximize the value of your Salesforce investments.

Oh, and in addition to Salesforce work, I also do AWS consulting. 

Below is an overview of the different roles I take on when working with clients, but you can also jump straight to the detailed services I provide with the links below.

Some of the roles as a full-stack Salesforce consultant...

Business Analyst

Before we can start building great solutions, it's essential to understand your company's problems and challenges. I'll use 15+ years of experience working with companies that use Salesforce to ask the right questions and deeply understand the issues we are trying to address and the processes we are trying to improve. From these conversations, we will create a plan to build the perfect implementation together.


Salesforce Admin

I started my journey in the Salesforce world as an Admin, and I can provide a wide range of administrative services. I always try to solve problems using the administrative features of Salesforce before reaching into the developer toolbox. This approach enables the work I perform to be easily modified by myself or other admins as business requirements change over time.

Salesforce Developer

While I started my career as an Admin, I quickly recognized the benefits of the more advanced developer features on the Salesforce platform. From the first days of Apex code, I have been building applications that utilize these features to deliver highly customized and purpose-built solutions that meet strict business requirements.

Fun fact, I presented at one of the very first Dreamforce breakout sessions on Apex code back in 2007!


Salesforce & System Architect

Point solutions and quick fixes are easy. Having a deeper understanding of how all the pieces of a technology stack work together is key to building maintainable solutions that scale with a company over time and adapt to change. Salesforce is typically one piece of a company's technology stack, and I'll make sure that it integrates and works well with other systems.

Interested in working together?
Get in touch!

© 2020 Jason Venable